Wednesday, June 27, 2012

A Sunday Visit

On Sunday Margery and I thought we could go into Cluny and pick up a plant for Mirelle's birthday...but France still believes in family time and the stores were closed.

At least our scam artist was no longer trying to stop cars by the sharp corner in the road.

We had briefly fallen for that ploy Saturday morning on our way home from the market.

A car had been parked just off the road and as we were passing by a man ran out towards us. I stopped. He said he was out of gas. I replied that I had food that I needed to get home so I couldn't turn around to take him into Cluny...I couldn't have turned around in that location anyway.

He then showed me a broken credit card and said he didn't have money for gas, could I give him some in exchange for his gold necklace.

At that point I said, "Sorry," and drove on. Margery felt badly until we began to figure out all the inconsistencies in his story. Later, others would confirm that that was a scam.

Since we had no groceries with us on this Sunday, we took a detour through Donzy, a village before Blanot.

Margery pointed out the sign for a lavoir and I drove BB as close to it as we dared to go.

We walked down the hill along a grassy lane to the field below. No flowers were decorating the lavoir, but there was white yarrow growing by the lane, perfect for a birthday bouquet.    

We also stopped to photograph the church before heading home.

Later Sunday afternoon we drove over the hill to visit Genvieve and Patrick at their home in St Gengoux De Scisse.

The photo on the left is a corner of their backyard. Look below the shutters to see dishes on the table where we were invited to relax with juice and cake...

...but first, Genvieve had heard a car slow down and ran out to the road so we would find the right house. That was a life-saver.

She showed us a rain-water well.

Right next to it was a bush so thick she couldn't part the branches. We had to accept her word that there really was a lavoir under the greenery.

Their home also has its very own bread oven protected under an outdoor shed.

And sure enough, in the basement was a miniature version of a village lavoir. Water would have had to be hauled from the outdoor rain-water well...there is no spring or stream bringing water to this lavoir.

I would love to know the story behind this private lavoir because a darling little public lavoir, which does not require hauling water, is just a short walk down the road.

Margery and I had a great time. When Genvieve heard that it was Mirelle's birthday, she sent us home with a bouquet of roses for Mirelle and another for Elisabeth. We felt like we were returning to Blanot with gold!

On the way I couldn't resist a side trip to the top of Mont St Romain.

First we were greeted by a cat. Then a fluffy lion look-alike showed up to guide the cat back home.

And below is a small piece of the view...

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