Thursday, June 21, 2012

Hollyhock Season Begins

We visited Viollaine this morning.

She needed some freedom to get a few things done so Elisabeth would bring Annelle, her petite-fille, home for the day. We sang songs so Annelle wouldn't fall asleep in the car, but would have lunch and then a nice long nap.

I learned a new song to play on the dulcimer.

While Elisabeth was preparing the meal, I played in the yard with Annelle, making clay critters for her to pull apart.

Then Annelle was off to bed and I had time to just observe the world around me. Two mourning doves were hanging out on the neighbor's roof.

Too bad I haven't learned how to crop the pictures I use on this blog...but now you know that even though I haven't seen TV for 2 months, it does exist in Blanot.

Life was busy in a meadow across the way. The farmer had both sheep and cows keeping each other company.

There's a peacefulness here that I treasure.

I spent some time watching the birds who had obviously made a nest in the stone wall of a house by the fountain. They were busy catching bugs to bring back to their nest. The fountain provided a quiet gurgle of water.

There are plenty of roses still blooming along with the wild poppies, but now the hollyhocks are beginning to pop.

This evening a group of musicians will be having a practice concert at the Auberge. Two of the musicians are friends of Marie-Annick so she will be there with Francis and they have invited me to meet them there.

Anne was also planning to go so we walked down the hill together.

The fellow playing bass had also been one of the dancers during the previous weekend. He had kept me going in the right direction by counting "Un, deux, trois, quatre, un deux, trois, quatre..."

In this picture you can't see the gal playing the keyboard and eventually the violinist arrived.

The gal on drums also played the accordion and the fellow with the trumpet also played the guitar.

Lauryn also joined us. While we were sitting at our table she picked up my camera. Kidding around with her, I made a face, but she got the best laugh. By sheer chance that's when she clicked the picture!

Lauryn managed to get us all in her picture. From left to right, that's Francis' elbow, Marie-Annick, me, and Anne.

Watching little kids enjoying the music was half the fun of the evening.

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