Sunday, May 6, 2012

La Invasion des Formis

It is Saturday, May 5th. I had a good night's sleep...woke up a little later than usual at 8:30 and headed for the bathroom. At least some of the outside walls are more than a foot thick, and the bathroom has a window sill that is probably 12 inches deep. The window is high so I have to stand on tiptoe to actually see the sill, but I noticed movement around the edge so I took a peek. The ants that had been happily crawling around the porch yesterday were now crawling around on my side of the window. I decided to make my coffee, take my shower, look up the word for ants, and then find Noel. He said Mirelle would have to get something that afternoon, but word made it to Elisabeth and she arrived with a powder that seems to have done the trick.

The bathroom window is behind the top of this bush which is just beginning to bloom.

I invited Elisabeth to dinner, but I needed a carrot peeler. She suggested that when I was leaving in BB, I stop at her place and honk. Fortunately she was watching for me and came to the car laughing. I was beeping away, but BB's horn is silent!

 I drove off to Cluny, followed Elisabeth's instructions, found a parking space without a problem, and headed for the Saturday market. This is one of the houses I walked by.

 On the way home I decided to take a detour to Aze and see what was down that road.

You can't see much of the house in this picture, but I was fascinated by the pond that appears to be touching the house.

I followed a side road out of curiosity and liked the stream that wiggled its way through the field.


Upon reaching Blanot I decided to not make the turn up the hill, but to keep on going. I found the hamlets of Vivier and Nouville. Later, Anne informed me that they are actually a part of Blanot. When all the hamlets are put together, there are about 160 people in Blanot.

 I also stopped to take a picture inside the church to show the slated benches we sat on for the concert. The church holds about 100 people.

Late afternoon I cooked the rhubarb Elisabeth had given me from her garden. While I was putting dinner together I realized that I had enough food for 3 so I took a chance and ran over to Anne's place. She hadn't eaten and was willing to join Elisabeth and me. I thoroughly enjoyed their company for the evening!

The computer wasn't processing the pictures so I am late getting this post posted. It's late and I have to be up early so it'll take a bit for me to get caught up...hang in...more to come!

1 comment:

  1. Carol--This is my first visit to your blog and it's so beautiful! Wish I'd visited sooner. Will be looking forward to every detail upon your return. Cyndie
